Exterior Detailing

Carnauba Wax vs Synthetic Wax

Carnauba Wax vs Synthetic Wax: Which is Better for Your Car?

Ollie Barker

When it comes to car wax, there are choices for car owners: carnauba wax vs synthetic wax. If you are ...

How To Get Tar Off Car Tires

How To Get Tar Off Car Tires! EASY & Quick!

Ollie Barker

Road tar on your tires can be incredibly dangerous, so you should remove it right away! Learn how to get ...

How Often To Polish Car

How Often To Polish Car: Keep Your Car NEW!

Ollie Barker

So how often to polish your car? This is a question that has been endlessly debated, and like all things ...

how often to wash car in winter

How Often to Wash Car in Winter: Tips & Guide!

Ollie Barker

The weather is getting colder and, in turn, your car’s exterior is accumulating more dirt and salt. The buildup of ...


Polishing vs Compounding The Differences Explained

Ollie Barker

In order to achieve a perfect paint correction job, understanding the differences between polishing and compounding is essential. In this ...