Many assume that over inflated tires cause vibration. This is partially true, but there are also other factors that could be causing the issue. In this blog, you will find the answer to the question “can over inflated tires cause vibration” and a comprehensive list of the possible causes to help you figure out what exactly is happening with your car.
Table of Contents
Can Over Inflated Tires Cause Vibration?
The short answer to the question is:
Yes, over inflated tire is one of the reasons for car vibration as they make the car unbalanced and lose flexibility. Your tires go somewhat out of balance when you over-inflate them, which can cause the car to vibrate as you drive.
Furthermore, you should be aware that inflexible tires with high pressures diminish ride comfort. You’re asking for trouble when you overinflate your tires.
First of all, overinflation reduces tire flexibility, which increases the likelihood that the tires will fail (blow out or split apart), particularly when you encounter a pothole or other potential driving dangers like road shocks or sharp pavement edges.

The truth is that an overinflated tire is more like a balloon than anything else; you are already aware of how delicate a balloon is and how easily it can pop when touched by a sharp item. Furthermore, tires that are overinflated are more likely to wear evenly.
In general, it’s not a good idea to overinflate your tires because the risks outweigh the benefits. However, it’s not a good idea to underinflate your tires either.
All you have to do is follow the manufacturer’s recommended pressure. The appropriate tire pressure is listed in your car’s owner’s manual.
The Relationship Between Tire Pressure and Vibration
The relationship between tire pressure and vibration is an important factor in driving performance and safety.
Under-inflated tires & vibration
Under-inflated tires can cause a vehicle to vibrate, especially at high speeds, because the tire’s contact patch with the road does not remain consistent. This causes the wheel to hop or bounce on the road surface, leading to an uncomfortable ride for passengers.
Under-inflated tires also put extra strain on the wheel bearings and other components, leading to premature wear and tear. Poorly inflated tires also cause more rolling resistance, which means that your engine must work harder, reducing fuel efficiency.
Over-inflated tires & vibration
On the other hand, over-inflated tires can also cause vibrations. Over-inflating causes an increase in gearing noise as the tire flexes more than it should when it rolls along the road surface.
The front end of a car, particularly if it is rigidly suspended, can feel vague and detached from the road surface due to excess stiffness in the sidewall. In addition, over-inflated tires tend to wear out faster as less tread comes into contact with the ground when driving.
Proper tire inflation is essential for good handling performance and fuel economy.
Can Too Much Air in Tires Cause Vibration and Why?
Yes, overinflated tires can lead to vibration when driving. Tires are made to support the weight of your car. If you put too much weight on the car, your tires will either get damaged or, even if it is not damaged, they will wear. A tire that has been overinflated is actually one that has been overstressed.
The best way to summarize things is a tire that has been overinflated will wear faster than a tire that has not been over inflated, and this is because the tire does not have enough space for the weight placed on the wheel it was made for.
Over-inflated tires cause vibration because they do not give the wheel enough space to travel around. When you put more weight on your wheels, there is no way for that weight to be distributed properly so you will get vibration from your wheels. Or in other words, unbalanced tires will make your car shake in a way that makes it feel like you are driving over a rough road when there is actually no rough road.
Other Possible Causes for Car Vibration or Shaking
Besides overinflation, there are a couple of different factors that could cause vibration in your car. A few of them are listed below.
Insufficient air pressure
An insufficient amount of air in your tires can cause shaking or vibration. This is caused by the lack of air, making it harder for the tire to roll smoothly over bumps and turns, but it does not affect things so much as to make you feel like you are going over a rough road all the time.
Dry rot
This is another possible cause of shaking or vibration but is not as common as insufficient air pressure in your tires. Dry rot can be caused by the way you drive and how long you leave the air in your tires. If you drive over 50mph for long hours, your tires will go through a lot of mileage; therefore, dry rot can come into play.
Damaged brake pads or brake calipers
This could be another cause for your car to shake, but it is not as common as the other two causes on this list. Brake calipers or pads are parts that make sure your brakes are working properly and are able to stop a car when it is needed. If you have worn-out brake calipers or pads, then you will likely experience some shaking in your brakes. This can also be caused by an issue with the hydraulic system of the braking system in your vehicle.
Poor wheel alignment
Inspecting your wheel alignment is an important task for you to do if you are curious about why your car shakes. It is a simple task to take the wheel off of your car, but it can save you thousands of dollars in repair costs and could make a huge difference in how your car sits as it should feel at rest.
Overinflated Tires Symptoms
If you see that your tires are overinflated, then you can expect to have:
- Headaches occur when the wheels are turning at a fast speed
- Loss of control
- Tire vibration while driving
- Unbalanced around corners
- Lower the push power behind and in front of the car. Overinflated tires will make it harder for your car to be pushed at high speeds.
If you have already realized that your tires are overinflated, the best thing to do is to check with your local auto repair shop and have them check if any damage is done to the wheels. If the tires have not been damaged, they can be deflated so they will be at the right pressure.
Over inflated tires have a high tendency to compress than underinflated ones. So, when this happens, and the tire is still not able to be fixed, it will get replaced.

What Happens When I Drive with Overinflated Tires?
If you keep driving with overinflated tires, there is a high chance that a blowout will happen. When this happens, your tire will be damaged, or even worse, you can have a car crash.
Over inflating your tires will shorten their lifespan because it causes irregular wear to happen on the tires. Tires should be checked regularly, and if overinflated, they should immediately be deflated so they can start wearing down evenly again.
An overinflated tire will increase your fuel consumption and reduce your car’s fuel economy. Over inflated tires will cause the wheels to not work properly, and they won’t be able to push your car when driving at high speeds.
Overinflated tires will also make it harder for your car to go in turns, and it will also make it harder for you to control your tires.
What Are the Recommended Tire Pressure?
In most newer cars, the right tire pressure is written on a label inside the driver’s door. In most cases, the owner’s handbook contains the specifications if there isn’t a sticker on the door.
When the tires are cold, most passenger cars advise 32 psi to 35 pressure in the tires.
You should check the tire pressure when the tires are cold because, as tires roll along the ground, heat is produced through contact with the ground, raising both the tire temperature and the air pressure.
Ensure the car has been sitting overnight or at least for a few hours to get the most precise reading (not to mention the most reliable).

Frequently Asked Questions
#1 Which is preferable, under- or over-inflated tires?
Under-inflated tires are not only prone to faster wear and tear, but they can also reduce the efficiency of your car.
Over-inflation, while slightly better on fuel economy, also has its risks as it increases the risk of a blowout; when a tire is over-filled with air, too much pressure builds up within it, causing it to burst.
The best way to avoid dangerous and costly blowouts is to maintain your tires at the manufacturer-recommended PSI levels. Generally speaking, this should be between 30-35 psi for most passenger vehicles.
#2 How often do I need to check my tires’ air pressure?
A good rule of thumb is to check your tire pressure every month.
Your tires should also be checked before any long drives, especially if you are driving on rough roads or in extreme weather conditions.
#3 What negative impacts can overinflated tires cause?
Overinflated tires can cause a number of negative impacts, including:
- Reduced traction on wet surfaces
- Increased wear and tear on the tire’s center area
- Less shock absorption and more stress on other vehicle components
- Uncomfortable driving experience due to increased bounce and vibration.
This can lead to premature tire failure and even pose a safety risk in certain situations. Therefore, it is important to maintain the proper inflation levels for all your tires to ensure optimal performance and safety.
#4 How would a tire that isn’t balanced feel?
If a tire is not balanced, it will cause an unpleasant and often dangerous vibration when driving.
This vibration can be felt through the steering wheel as well as through the floor of the vehicle. It can also cause excessive tire wear and accelerate component fatigue, leading to premature failure.
Besides, unbalanced tires can also lead to poor traction due to a lack of grip, which can cause safety issues.
Therefore, ensuring that all your tires are balanced for optimal driving performance and safety is essential.
Check out this video for How to Inflate Car Tires
Final Words
It will be best to check your tires often so that you do not over inflate them. You can also expect to find a balance when it comes to speed and your pressure levels.
Overinflated tires will cause your wheels to lose their balance, making it harder for you to maintain control of your car.
Further Reading:

Hi there! I’m Naomi O’Colman. I’ve got years of experience working at an auto repair shop here in Texas under my belt. On top of that, ever since I was a kid I’ve been passionate about the auto industry. Since I’ve joined the team at I’ve been enthusiastically sharing my passion and insights with my readers. I’m dedicated to delivering high quality content and helping you stay up to date with the latest automotive trends and products out there!