Spray paint is a popular and inexpensive painting technique that provides your work with a clean, professional finish. However, if done wrong, it may leave wrinkles on your painted surface. So, how to fix wrinkled spray paint on a car?
Table of Contents
Why Is My Spray Paint Getting Wrinkled?
Moisture or high humidity
You must allow enough time for the paint to cure properly, and the solvents in the paint must be completely drained. The temperature should be ideal while spraying paint; the drier the surface, the better the paint will adhere to it. Extreme temperatures, on the other hand, will have a noticeable impact on your work and may cause your paint to shatter.
Note: If you don’t keep your room temperature between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity below 85 percent, your drying time will be significantly shortened.
Paint in a thick layer
The paint will become curdy and split easily if you apply layer after layer without allowing enough time for them to cure completely. It’s preferable to use spray paint in a variety of thin applications rather than a few hefty coats all at once. The paint dries faster with a thinner layer of coats.
Overspraying in one area puts the paint under strain. Allow enough time for the paint to dry and adhere.
The surface that is unstable and contaminated
The contaminated surface is also a factor in this disaster. Cleaning agents can react with your paint carriers if you don’t dry the surface adequately. Keep a close eye on the drying period and don’t use the spray paint on that area right away.
Using products that aren’t appropriate
Incompatible items harm spray painting since they have the potential to interact with the function of another product.
Spray paint formulations come in a variety of forms. Solvents, topcoats, primers, and base coats should all be compatible with these painting preparations.
Paint splits rapidly if the products do not operate together harmoniously, resulting in serious paint defects. Selecting suitable and adequate products that function well together will not impede your spray painting work.
How to Fix Wrinkled Spray Paint on Your Car
You’ll need to be especially patient and cautious when it comes to car painting. Here are some specific instructions for repairing paint cracks on your vehicle.
The methods are simple and detailed; you only have to follow them exactly.
- Sanding the damaged area is crucial. If the wrinkles emerge after the paint has cured, sand them away using grit sandpaper.
- If the faults appear on an uncured area, wait until the paint completely dries before sanding. The sanded layer should match the neighboring paint color.
- Scrubbing the loosened cracks and dust from the area is necessary after that. The area should be cleaned completely. The use of a buffing machine will make your job easier.
- After you’ve completed cleaning, prepare the appropriate surface with a high-quality primer.
- A primer coat polishes the surface and creates a warm texture that is ideal for spray painting. Allow the spot to dry.
You must be a little more careful when using spray paint to redo the wrinkled part of your car. Give the spray canister a good shake before using it, and keep your hand stable and away from the surface.
You can also apply a sealer over the base coat to protect it from minor damage and maintain the paint’s glossiness.
What Can I Do if My Clear Coat Is Wrinkled?
The clear coat is the primary paint layer of your car’s trunk or hood, as you may know. It protects primers and spray paints from the elements. The transparent coat has crumpled and faded as a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight.
- You can use 400-600 coarseness sandpaper to remove the wrinkles in a clear coat and get better results.
- If the splits are severe, sand with a rough (220) coarseness sandpaper to remove the wrinkled clear finish. Then use a degreaser or water to clean the area.
- You’ll use isopropyl liquor and water blend to prepare the surface for spray painting. A good primer must be used to prepare the surface.
- After it has dried, you can again sand the affected area with 1500 coarse sandpaper.
- When you have a good foundation surface, use a specific spraying approach to add the vehicle color paint to it.
- Hold it for a few minutes to cure, perhaps 5-10 minutes, and then spray 2 layers of clear coats on top of it.
- It’s far preferable to dilute the paint and avoid wrinkling by blending the clear coat with a reducer and hardener. For best effects, let the clearcoat sit for at least two days.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I fix wrinkled spray paint without repainting the entire car?
Yes, you can fix wrinkled spray paint on specific areas without repainting the entire car. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can address the wrinkled areas and blend the new paint seamlessly with the existing paintwork.
What causes spray paint to wrinkle?
Wrinkles in spray paint can be caused by factors such as improper application technique, high humidity, spraying in extreme temperatures, or using incompatible products.
Can I fix wrinkled spray paint myself?
Fixing wrinkled spray paint can be done as a DIY project if the damage is minimal. However, if you are unsure or the damage is extensive, seeking professional assistance for the best results is recommended.
How long should I wait before applying the next coat of paint?
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended drying time between coats of paint. This will ensure proper adhesion and a smooth finish.
How can I prevent spray paint from wrinkling in the future?
To prevent wrinkled spray paint, ensure that you follow the correct application technique, use compatible products, and work in suitable weather conditions. Proper surface preparation and priming are also essential for achieving long-lasting and wrinkle-free results.
Check out this video for why the base coat wrinkle or lift!
Final Thoughts
Spray painting disasters are primarily caused by human error and poor weather conditions. Detecting such problems in advance will save you from suffering major consequences. Now that you know the reasons for your wrinkled spray paint and how to fix it on your car, I hope you can prevent it in the future.

Hi everyone, My name is Ollie Barker.
As a seasoned auto expert I have 25 years of experience working in repair and detailing shops. I love to share my tips & tricks to all car lovers, so that’s why I’m here at Automotive Gearz publishing my content, sharing my passion. Also, I’ve been giving my recommendations on which products are the best to have on the market. I always thought it was hard to pick the right part, so hopefully I can make that a bit easier for you.
Hope you enjoy your time on my little blog!