Get the latest and greatest cars and trucks, but we all know that sometimes you need to go beyond the regular oil change. That’s where the debate of high mileage oil vs synthetic oil comes in. Running a high-mileage engine on synthetic helps protect against gasket failure, as well as those pesky oil leaks that plague many engines. If you’re not sure what to do, then this post has got you covered.
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High Mileage Oil Vs Synthetic Oil
What is High Mileage Oil?
High-mileage oil is an oil that has been engineered to help extend the life of your engine. It can be used in the replacement of high-mileage conventional oils. There are many benefits to high-mileage oil, but the most important benefit is that it does not wear out as conventional oils do.
High mileage oil is considered the best for high mileage vehicles. It’s made for engines that are constantly running at high speeds, at high altitudes, or operating in hot weather. It is limited to the owner’s manual for these vehicles.
What is Synthetic Oil?
Synthetic oil is made with molecules that are made in a lab. It is chemically different from conventional oils. High mileage engines or any engine for that matter can handle synthetic oil. Unlike high mileage oils, synthetic oil does not have the limitations of high mileage oils.
The Comparisons
The similarities between these two types are that they both protect your car’s engine, and they both lubricate the engine. However, that is where the similarities end.
High Mileage Oil
This type is used to reduce the wear and tear of engines, and it helps to extend the life of your engine. It is best used in older vehicles. The biodegradable formula protects seals and gaskets, which helps to prevent oil leaks that often occur in older engines.
In terms of price, it’s more expensive than synthetic oils. To get the most out of it, it usually needs to be changed at least every 6,000 to 10,000 miles depending on the engine of the vehicle. Also, if you want to get help with changing your high-mileage oil, dealerships or mechanics often offer services to help you do this.
Synthetic Oil
Synthetic oil does not wear out fast, so it does not have to be changed as often as other conventional oils do. This means less frequent trips to the shop for oil changes.
Synthetic oils are extremely reliable and very safe for your engine. However, they don’t contain additives as high mileage oils do. This means that synthetic oils have to be changed at a different time than high-mileage oils do.
For the most part, they don’t cost more than regular oil changes for an engine. However, some states consider synthetic oil as a hazardous material so this will result in a higher tax on the synthetic oil you buy.
Final Words
High-mileage oils last longer but synthetic oils are more cost-effective and have fewer problems with them leaking, burning, or causing any other damage to the engine.
Both oils can be used in any engine regardless of their age. It’s best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations that come with your engine. They both protect and lubricate the engine and that’s what is really important. Both oils are good for your car, so the decision is really up to you!

Hi there! I’m Naomi O’Colman. I’ve got years of experience working at an auto repair shop here in Texas under my belt. On top of that, ever since I was a kid I’ve been passionate about the auto industry. Since I’ve joined the team at I’ve been enthusiastically sharing my passion and insights with my readers. I’m dedicated to delivering high quality content and helping you stay up to date with the latest automotive trends and products out there!