Do garaged cars last longer? How long an automobile lasts is mostly determined by how well it is maintained.
Some people have also inquired as to whether garaging a vehicle is equivalent to parking it outside. There is a distinct distinction between parking in a garage and parking on the street.
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Do Garaged Cars Last Longer?
After a long day on the road, garages provide a safe haven for your automobile to rest, keeping it safe from criminals and the elements. A garaged car has a higher resale value, is more durable, and is less likely to fade prematurely. What function does a garage have in a car’s long-term durability?
I can summarize the key points as below:
- Garaged cars are protected from the sun’s harsh rays, preventing premature fading of the paint job.
- Internal auto mechanics do not overheat due to exposure to the hot sun when they are kept in a garage. Extreme temperatures do not affect the engines, fans, or coolants, which could be harmful to their health.
- Prevents rainfall from reaching your car’s engine and causing rusting on the outside and inside.
- Garaging your car keeps the engine working at its best, ensuring that the vehicle remains stable, high-performing, and safe.
How Would You Make Your Car Last Longer If You Kept It in a Garage?
Different homeowners build different styles of garages for automobiles. Some garages have unlocked doors, while a gate secures others.
Regardless of how the garage is constructed or how large it is, it serves one primary purpose: keeping your automobile out of the way of pedestrians and safeguarding it from as many damaging elements as possible.
This means that when a car is parked in a garage, it clears the way for other vehicles. As a result, persons walking through the walkways or within your estate would be less likely to crash with or touch the car as they walked from point A to point B.
On the other hand, people no longer consider garages ideal locations for parking their vehicles. Some people have even converted their garages into something else (for example, a location to store the house’s garbage or a home workshop).
Many automobile owners prefer to park their vehicles in any available place within the complex, while others are content to park outside and rely on the vehicle’s security systems to keep their vehicles safe and secure.
Many automobile owners prefer to park their vehicles in any available place within the complex, while others are content to park outside and rely on the vehicle’s security systems to keep their vehicles safe and secure.
Garaged Cars vs. Outside-parked Cars
Garaged cars are typically kept in an enclosed structure, such as a garage, carport, or shed. This offers several advantages over outside-parked cars.
- Garaged cars are better protected from the elements, including wind, rain, snow and ice. This can help maintain the paint job and overall condition of the vehicle.
- Garaged cars are less susceptible to theft and vandalism than those parked outdoors.
- Parking inside a garage can also help insulate the car from extreme temperatures in both winter and summer months.
- Keeping a car in a garage is more convenient for owners because it allows them to access their vehicle without having to brave the elements or worry about finding parking space outdoors.
In contrast to garaged vehicles, outside-parked cars are exposed to the full range of weather conditions on any given day or season. This can lead to several issues, such as:
- Premature wear on the vehicle’s body due to exposure to sunlight or extremely cold temperatures damaging plastic components and paint jobs.
- Vehicles parked outdoors are vulnerable to theft or vandalism since they lack the extra security provided by an enclosed structure such as a garage.
- When it comes time for owners to access their vehicles, they may have difficulty finding available parking spaces if there is high demand in their area.
Why Does Garaging a Car Make It Last Longer?
Garaging your cars is so critical in all of the above situations that if you don’t have one now, you should consider constructing one right soon. Do you want to know why we said that? The following are some examples of why garaged cars live longer.
1. They are resistant to a variety of elements
Undoubtedly, the wind would blow every day, carrying a variety of elements with it. When a car is not stored in a garage, these wind factors, no matter how minor, can produce scratches and visible marks on the external body of the vehicle.
Furthermore, when a car is not parked in a garage, human individuals walking on the walkways near the vehicle can scratch their hands on the car’s body, aside from possible scratches caused by the wind carrying small particles when blowing.
Hail or being hit by a broken tree branch coming off the stem can potentially cause damage to the car. On the other hand, a garaged car is protected from all of these elements that can cause little or even major damage.
2. Your car will be unaffected by the snow
A car kept in a garage is protected from snowfalls, which saves you time clearing snow from your car before taking it out for work.
Also, given how cold snow may be, a car should not be left in the cold for an extended period of time.
3. They are shielded from the sun and extreme weather
When a car is stored outside the garage, it is undoubtedly exposed to continual sunlight and extreme temperatures. This is bad for your automobile since it causes the waxing to fade faster – UV rays will change the color of your car and impair its luster.
On the other hand, extreme cold is bad for your automobile since it might cause the car wax or other components to wear out; this happens gradually anyway. Yes, plastic and vinyl materials can shrink when exposed to extremely cold temperatures.
A covered garage, on the other hand, will assist in keeping temperatures balanced (not too hot or cold), keeping your belongings warm and fresh for as long as feasible.
4. Increased engine life
A car’s engine is what propels it forward. The temperature under the hood remains constant when your automobile is parked in a garage. Stabilized temperature aids in the proper operation of everything under the hood.
Is My Garaged Car Going to Rust?
Warmer climates are ideal for garages. Garages based in places that endure chilly temperatures aren’t ideally secure. When you park cars in hostile areas, you’ll run into a number of challenges, including:
Garages in cold climates do not lose the existing wetness to the atmosphere when they are promptly closed. This is an instance of insufficient ventilation, resulting in the garaged car’s wetness and a lack of moisture needed to keep it dry. Rusting occurs as a result, which may cause damage to numerous elements of the vehicle.
The car’s engine will retain road salt, causing it to cling to slush. The slush will melt due to the car’s tremendous heat, converting to a liquid and causing premature corrosion. This is especially true when road salt decreases moisture release, causing the condition to exacerbate.
It also produces condensation from the car’s interior, which triggers rust-causing qualities, resulting in additional damage and more expensive repairs.
If the cold weather persists throughout the season, the vicious cycle will repeat itself, causing your car to have the same issue all year.
How Can You Extend the Life of Your Vehicle?
If you don’t know how to go about it, extending the overall durability of your car while parking it under a garage might be pretty difficult. Here are some ideas to help your automobile live longer, regardless of its model or garage size:
- Instead of air-drying your automobile and subjecting it to the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, hand dry it after washing.
- Wash your car frequently: make sure to clean every component of your automobile, removing all salt build-up, dirt, dust, and debris.
- Use a car window shade: car window blinds protect cars from overheating and UV rays while safeguarding the delicate interior.
- Keep your cooling system in good shape: the coolant materials and fans are the first parts of your car to exhibit symptoms of wear and strain. Keep a watch on your car’s coolants, belts, and hoses, and make sure any damage is repaired as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
#1 Are there any risks to parking a car in a garage?
Yes, parking a car in a garage can expose it to mold, mildew, and other forms of air pollution that can damage the exterior and interior. Regular maintenance is essential when storing your car in a garage.
#2 How can I best take care of my car parked in a garage?
When storing your car in a garage, make sure that the area is free of dirt and dust, and regularly inspect the space for signs of rodent or insect infestation.
Besides, use quality car covers to protect your vehicle from moisture buildup and ensure its proper ventilation.
Regularly wax and polish it as well to keep it looking brand new.
Finally, be sure to check your garage regularly for any signs of moisture or air pollution that could damage your car.
#3 What type of garage is best for my car?
The best type of garage for your car is one that is dry, clean, and well-ventilated.
Make sure the walls and floor are free from dirt, dust, and other debris that could damage the paint or interior of your car. If possible, park your vehicle away from direct sunlight and heat sources as much as possible.
Also, consider adding insulation to the walls and ceiling of your garage to retain heat during the winter months and keep your car warm.
Finally, always ensure your garage is equipped with proper ventilation so moisture doesn’t build up inside. This will help prevent rusting and corrosion on your vehicle over time.
#4 What are some things I should avoid doing to my car while it’s parked in a garage?
When parking your car in a garage, it is important to avoid doing certain things that can cause damage.
- Make sure not to leave any liquids, such as gasoline, motor oil, or coolant, on the ground or in the air around your vehicle.
- Do not park items such as bicycles, ladders, tools, or furniture inside the garage that can potentially scratch or damage your car.
- Do not drive over ramps, jacks, or other objects that can cause dents and dings to the underside of your vehicle either.
- Never smoke in the garage, as this could potentially cause a fire hazard.
#5 How often should you run a garaged car?
You should start and run a garaged car at least once a week for 15 minutes or more.
This will help ensure that the battery stays charged, the oil circulates properly, and any moisture in the engine evaporates.
It’s also important to drive the vehicle around the block or down the street on each occasion to help prevent the brakes from seizing and to make sure that all of the systems are working properly.
Check out these 7 Tricks That Can Make Your Car Last Longer:
Wrap Up
Do garaged cars last longer? Investing in a standard garage is one time-tested vehicle care approach for keeping your automobile running at its best. When locked in a secure and well-designed garage, your car will be protected from external and internal elements.
Further Reading:
- Average Age of Vehicles in the US Increases
- Average Age of Automobiles and Trucks in Operation in the United States
- U.S. households are holding on to their vehicles longer

Hi there! I’m Naomi O’Colman. I’ve got years of experience working at an auto repair shop here in Texas under my belt. On top of that, ever since I was a kid I’ve been passionate about the auto industry. Since I’ve joined the team at I’ve been enthusiastically sharing my passion and insights with my readers. I’m dedicated to delivering high quality content and helping you stay up to date with the latest automotive trends and products out there!