As your automobile gets older, you’ll hear several frequent car noises when driving. If you hear an unexpected noise during a turn, though, it could indicate a problem. So, why car makes noise when turning?
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10 Causes of Car Makes Noise when Turning
The following are some of the reasons why an automobile produces noise when turning:
1. Car makes noise at low speeds
The problem is with the suspension and power steering system if you hear a peculiar sound while turning at a low speed. The sound of creaking is caused by worn or cracked suspension joints.
A whining sound can be heard from the front of the car engine when there is a problem with a damaged power steering pump or a broken belt.
2. Car makes noise at normal speeds
If you hear whining or squealing while turning at a normal pace, it’s likely that:
- The level of power steering fluid is low.
- There is a problem with a weak belt.
- The tie rod that connects the steering gear to the knuckles has worn out.
- The hose can be cracked to facilitate a link between the gear and the pump.
As soon as you hear a strange sound while turning, you should take your vehicle to a repair.
3. Car makes noise at high speeds
In this scenario, you should look into:
- When you notice crunching and clicking, it’s your CV joints.
- When the car makes a ruckus while turning, it has a bad coupling.
- When you hear humming, check your wheel bearings.
Because the bearings transmit the strain during a turn, any misunderstanding of the issue can result in uneven tire wear.
4. Power steering fluid that is low or old
A power steering pump with insufficient fluid is one of the easiest things to fix that causes noise while steering. While it’s a closed system, which implies it shouldn’t leak if there is a leak, noise when you turn will be one of the first symptoms.
However, before you add fluid, you must first locate and fix the leak.
5. Power steering pump that has been damaged
Power steering pumps make turning the wheel simpler while driving, but when they wear out, they can become quite noisy. It’s likely that any noises coming from the top of the engine bay when you turn are coming from the power steering pump.
6. Steering rack and pinion broken
The rack and pinion is the most important part of your steering system. It has a lot of moving components, and it’s not uncommon for them to wear out and need to be replaced. You’ll probably hear loud bangs as you turn if your rack and pinion are worn out.
Furthermore, if the issue becomes severe enough, you will most likely notice it in the steering column. For less serious issues, you might only hear a small clicking from under your vehicle when you turn.
Because repairing the steering rack is fairly costly, it is preferable to inspect the other components first.
7. Worn-out ball joints
Ball joints are required to keep the steering knuckles and control arms moving. If you don’t lubricate them on a regular basis, they’ll grow dry with time. As a result, you’ll hear a loud creaking noise and feel the steering wheel shake as you spin.
8. Tie rod ends or boots that are loose or damaged
Tie rod ends connect your rack and pinion to your tires, and those tie rod ends contain rubber boots that can wear out and rip. You’ll hear the tie rod rattling about when the metal collides with the hub if this happens. If you don’t repair the tie rod end as soon as possible, you’ll wind up causing further harm.
9. Clogged steering reservoir tank
The power steering fluid is stored in the steering reservoir tank. To keep the fluid clean, a filter is usually installed inside the reservoir tank. When the reservoir becomes clogged, it begins to make noise as it rotates.
10. Struts and shocks that aren’t up to par
Your car’s struts and shocks have a lengthy lifespan, but they ultimately wear out. When your car starts to make noises when you turn, you’ll understand. Your automobile will begin bouncing during turns if these items are not replaced.
How to Resolve the Issue
Whatever the cause of a strange and bizarre noise is, you’ll need the assistance of a competent technician to identify and resolve the issue. He’ll figure out what’s causing the noise after inspecting the steering and suspension systems and making recommendations. In most circumstances, the damage can be repaired or the dry sections lubricated, but in some cases, replacing the fractured piece is the only option.
While there are a variety of issues that might cause your steering wheel to make noises as you spin, you should have it checked and fixed as soon as possible. The longer you wait to address a problem, the worse it will grow.
Keep in mind that the purpose of bushings and boots is to safeguard the more expensive parts around them. When they wear out, they stop doing their job, which can quickly lead to more costly problems.

Hi there! I’m Naomi O’Colman. I’ve got years of experience working at an auto repair shop here in Texas under my belt. On top of that, ever since I was a kid I’ve been passionate about the auto industry. Since I’ve joined the team at I’ve been enthusiastically sharing my passion and insights with my readers. I’m dedicated to delivering high quality content and helping you stay up to date with the latest automotive trends and products out there!